Gotland / Lausvik, Sweden is a Shallow, Flat, Chop and Small waves spot. It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of Any Level.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
NE and ENE, E
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Gotland / Lausvik, Sweden is a Shallow, Flat, Chop and Small waves spot. It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of Any Level.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
NE and ENE, E
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
How to get there
Gotland is off the shore from the Swedish East coast. To Gotland by ferry or air, arrive in Visby. Drive SE on 143 towards Ljugarn and then further south to Lausvik.
Gotland is off the shore from the Swedish East coast. To Gotland by ferry or air, arrive in Visby. Drive SE on 143 towards Ljugarn and then further south to Lausvik.