The water is 25°C during winter period, best period between January and April.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
NE and ENE, E
There is
Frontal and Trade wind
at La Pointe Faula, Martinique.
Average wind is 15 knots, direction is East or Northeast. Trade winds.
from NE and ENE, E
on the spot.
best moments to come
to La Pointe Faula, Martinique are
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, November and December
Wind and Weather Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
The water is 25°C during winter period, best period between January and April.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
NE and ENE, E
There is
Frontal and Trade wind
at La Pointe Faula, Martinique.
Average wind is 15 knots, direction is East or Northeast. Trade winds.
from NE and ENE, E
on the spot.
best moments to come
to La Pointe Faula, Martinique are
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, November and December
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
La Pointe Faula, Martinique is a
Flat, Small waves and Medium waves spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Small size.
Relatively small but efficient launch area, grass and sand. Launching area, between palm trees. Riding out: tricky due to side cliff, beginners can walk out past it and launch there.
Huge lagoon (2 miles of lagoon), flat water. Water at coast is only clear when tide is low. However 1 minute out it is crystal clear.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
La Pointe Faula, Martinique is a
Flat, Small waves and Medium waves spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Small size.
Relatively small but efficient launch area, grass and sand. Launching area, between palm trees. Riding out: tricky due to side cliff, beginners can walk out past it and launch there.
Huge lagoon (2 miles of lagoon), flat water. Water at coast is only clear when tide is low. However 1 minute out it is crystal clear.
Need to know
Careful about the other beach users, especially in
January, February, March, April, May and December
When you are on water,
be careful
Reefs and Rocks
Beach risk reported:
There are
riding zones
on the spot, be sure you respect them.
Need to know
Need to know
Careful about the other beach users, especially in
January, February, March, April, May and December
When you are on water,
be careful
Reefs and Rocks
Beach risk reported:
There are
riding zones
on the spot, be sure you respect them.