Lagans Mynningen, Sweden is a Flat, Chop and Small waves spot. It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of Any Level.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Have fun after the ride: enjoy
close to Lagans Mynningen, Sweden !
The spot presents a few things you need to be careful about.
Please refer to the
Riding Conditions section
Lagans Mynningen, Sweden is a Flat, Chop and Small waves spot. It is a kitesurfing spot for riders of Any Level.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Have fun after the ride: enjoy
close to Lagans Mynningen, Sweden !
The spot presents a few things you need to be careful about.
Please refer to the
Riding Conditions section
How to get there
You can go north from Malmö about 150 kilometers towards Halmstad. In Snapparp find the Statoil where you can ask for directions. Now you're just 1 mile from Mynningen.
You can go north from Malmö about 150 kilometers towards Halmstad. In Snapparp find the Statoil where you can ask for directions. Now you're just 1 mile from Mynningen.
During the summer (June to September), it´s no problem to ride in just board shorts. From April to June and September to October the water requires a 3/2-wetsuit. Other times during the year you need a dry suit. We ride here in 3/2-wetsuit from April to October. But one to two months during the summer we can ride in just board shorts.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW
There is
Frontal wind
at Lagans Mynningen, Sweden.
One good thing to know about "Mynningen" is that the wind is always one knot stronger in the river mouth. If the wind is weak, it's always a little big stronger when you go out in the river mouth. This depends on the streams from the river "Lagan". During spring "April to May" the river flow can be really high and this gives you an extra push because you ride against the stream. In summer general lighter winds. Fall to spring stronger winds depending on depressions.
from SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW
on the spot.
best moments to come
to Lagans Mynningen, Sweden are
April, May, September and October
Wind and Weather Conditions
Wind and Weather Conditions
During the summer (June to September), it´s no problem to ride in just board shorts. From April to June and September to October the water requires a 3/2-wetsuit. Other times during the year you need a dry suit. We ride here in 3/2-wetsuit from April to October. But one to two months during the summer we can ride in just board shorts.
wind for kitesurfing is
wind coming
S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW
There is
Frontal wind
at Lagans Mynningen, Sweden.
One good thing to know about "Mynningen" is that the wind is always one knot stronger in the river mouth. If the wind is weak, it's always a little big stronger when you go out in the river mouth. This depends on the streams from the river "Lagan". During spring "April to May" the river flow can be really high and this gives you an extra push because you ride against the stream. In summer general lighter winds. Fall to spring stronger winds depending on depressions.
from SW, WSW, W, WNW and NW
on the spot.
best moments to come
to Lagans Mynningen, Sweden are
April, May, September and October
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Lagans Mynningen, Sweden is a
Flat, Chop and Small waves spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Medium size.
The beach is clean and just in front of a `national park`. The space to launch is huge. Because the popular beach is three miles away no problems with crowds.
It's a pretty big river mouth. When you get here you can choose between flat water in the river or waves where the stream stops and the ocean takes place. The waves are good just hit one of the lip and have a good session. No tides. No rocks in the water.
Beach and Tide Conditions
Beach and Tide Conditions
Kitesurfing conditions
do not depend on Tide
on this spot.
Lagans Mynningen, Sweden is a
Flat, Chop and Small waves spot.
launching/landing area
is reported to be of
Medium size.
The beach is clean and just in front of a `national park`. The space to launch is huge. Because the popular beach is three miles away no problems with crowds.
It's a pretty big river mouth. When you get here you can choose between flat water in the river or waves where the stream stops and the ocean takes place. The waves are good just hit one of the lip and have a good session. No tides. No rocks in the water.
Need to know
There is
no beach users
reported here.
When you are on water,
be careful
Beach risk reported:
Please respect
local rules
when you are on the spot.
Talk to a local before you go on water.
Need to know
Need to know
There is
no beach users
reported here.
When you are on water,
be careful
Beach risk reported:
Please respect
local rules
when you are on the spot.
Talk to a local before you go on water.